Provided below are the findings of a study of 50 Cent's tweets dating from the previous report, up until the beginning of the month of February.
Since the last report (19 Dec) the rapper tweeted a total 187 times. Out of these postings, 180 (96%) were deemed to be incorrect for reasons of punctuation/grammar/spelling/all.
The rapper demonstrated that he was laughing out loud in 75 tweets, which amounts to a figure of 40% of all tweets in the study.
Including the triple burst of laughter phrase “Hahaha”, the number of tweets in which 50 Cent was laughing heartily grows to 85, or 45%.
In the time elapsed since the last report, several important events took place in the life of the rapper.
On Christmas Day, fiddy greeted his fan with pictures of his new Bentley, which he had purchased for himself. 3 tweets were posted, displaying different angles.
On the same day, he tweeted 5 times about a stack of money he was carrying around while travelling to his friend’s house.
Indeed, as in previous reports, money and earnings provided a strong theme. Stacks of money were mentioned another 5 times by the rapper during the time period studied. When one includes his references to hustling the figure jumps to 19 (% of total tweets in this period).
On the 27 December the rapper devoted 8 tweets to describe his business plan of shovelling his neighbour’s snow for money, then recruiting local children to do the job, who would work for a cheaper price.
On the 13 December the music artists announced (almost correctly) that he had now entered hustling mode – “Ok ok I'm back baby what's up. I'm in hustle man mode.”
Several days later, the rapper became concerned at the lack of conversation regarding money, and posed a question to the worldwide community: “No more talk about money what's up?”
Another small, but notable, focus of his tweets was a series of pictures of Floyd Mayweather’s daughter asleep. In total, 3 tweets (2%) in the month and a half period had to do with this subject. All of them were (un)punctuated with a brief “Lol”.
The overwhelming topic of discussion however was the new 50 Cent wireless headphones. The headphones were mentioned 20 times (11% of the time). Out of these 20 tweets, 4 were specifically related to rap group Cali Swag District and their appreciation of the new branded headphones.
Some of the true gems among the studied tweets are included below:
“Look puta make a pimp rich get wit the program. Lol”
“My son is crazy I told him let me use the computer. He said he was on it first. I said I don't care.”
Which was followed by:
“He be in his room with the door closed. I think he be in there jerking off but I didn't ever catch him. Lol”
The following tweet was deemed to be the most difficult to understand among the entire 187:
“TVG stands for television vision goods they have sold billions of dollars threw infomercial example george formen grill I just invested”
One tweet saw 50 Cent reversing a well-known Idiom:
“You can lead a horse to water but you force it to drink. Lol”
He laughed at loud at his linguistic prowess initially, but then repeated the tweet without the laughing sentiment.
The most bizarre, puzzling and hilarious tweets appeared in a strand of comment focused on misogyny:
“These girls be crazy I'm sorry there's know other way to put it. Lol”
On the 29 January he was clearly having fun calling people bitches. As a testament to his glee he laughed out loud every single time, some highlights:
In reply to @ThisisCora tweeting “I wouldn't mind U callin me bitch lol” he said “Ok b*tch chill out lol”.
To @LauraSensation claiming “calling everybody a bitch isn't nice” he replied “Your right b*tch lol”
He concluded all such arguments with a damning warning: “Man I have a stalker these girls be crazy. I'm not wit it ease up off me ebony. B*tch I told you leave me alone.”
Another gem in this section:
“I want a baby. I just don't a baby's momma. HELP WANTED ! This job pays well,with benefits.”
Fiddy then cleverly added: “After you have my baby I don't want to see your face again. Lol”
Towards the end of the study, a true pearl of wisdom appeared, which appeared in the form of a quote attributed to none other than himself:
“People don't believe in god why would they believe in me I'm just a man. Follow me over time learn my imperfection. 50cent.”
One of the characteristic faults cropped up again in this time period. 50 Cent has been neglecting proper use of the verbal phrase. Tut tut.
“This me and adam in the studio”
Although the sentence reflects the vernacular of urban youth, it needs an “is” to make it an acceptable sentence in Standard English.
Included below are the correct sentences in the findings. [NOTE: at least 2 of the sentences are not actually correct, but allowances have been made. Disregarding these sentences would in fact bring the percentage figure of correct sentences down to 3%]
“I had some rough holidays growing up. I just want to wish everybody a happy holiday.” [Lovely, perfect.]
“Life is what you make it. Make it better”
[included is a picture of a handgun [symbolically pointing towards the word ‘life’ (presumably from the lifestyle worldwide section of a newspaper), electronic measuring scales and a lighter were placed beside the paper]”.
“Check this out!” [Provided was a link to his own brand of wireless headphones.]
“I just got my self a cat and oprah loves her.” [My self should myself, Oprah should be capitalised, but we’re not going to get hung up on that. It’s a lovely sentiment.]
“Have you ever met some one who was so smart you couldn't understand half the s**t they were saying?”
[Again, some one should be someone. The sentence could do with a comma to provide a more natural reading. And I’m sure you have met many people like this, fiddy.]
“The sucker's exposed”
[Nice, kept simple and correct, clever navigation of possession in using an apostrophe. Included after the words is a link to ‘Worldstar Hip Hop’, a site which fiddy has been having a feud with.]
“I'm saying this from the bottom of my foot. Don't make me kick your ass. Lol”
[The foot reference is a bit of an inside joke. A girl texted him saying she hates him from the bottom of her foot. The rapper made a series of quips reusing this expression. His cleverness brought him a lot of delight, as indicated by the “lol”.]
96% is a large figure which should be considered seriously. This is the second highest figure ever recorded in this on-going study (The highest being 97% for the period 2 – 20 November).
Verbal phrases still pose a problem for the rapper.
The artist also appears to spend a significant amount of his writing time laughing out loud. This may be the reason for his inability to correctly construct sentences the vast majority of the time.
These findings are non-legal recommendations and are not expected to fully impact on the rapper’s writing style. For, as he put himself in late January: “Yea I tweet things that reflect my character b*tch. I have a sense of humor get that's why your 3 mill followers behind me”